Code to Learn

dont learn to code

One for Everything

I thought let me just try to put my thoughts together on what we are trying to achieve, what we are NOT trying to achieve. Basically setting the expectation right. These are initial thoughts and bound to change over a period of time as we learn how to fit together. In simple words, we just wants to tell you while you are doing your engineering we are here to help in case you need any advice on technology, career guidance and any other thing. The reason we are focusing on final year projects right now is that we believe as a undergraduate yours ability to write clean code is very important. But i wants to make it clear, its not a spoon feeding place. We will help you with right pointers and show you the direction. But you will have to lead the path and shine. In many cases, we wont have immediate answers for the your questions. We can explore together and learn, thats our benefit, the reason we are making this effort. All the google groups, github repo, blog etc might make you think why so much hoopla, this is just a minor project , no big deal. But we think differently. These projects will go to yours resume and you should feel good when you talk about it. My final year project was second best thing i did during my engineering (first thing of course engineering itself B-) ).
  • Google Group : This mailing list is the main communication channel. If you have any question, any blocker ask a question on the group and hopefully someone will answer it.
  • Github repo : Each of you should create a github account, put your code in the repo and may share it on the codetolearn. I would highly encourage reading other people code & learning good parts and putting a comment if you find any bug or better way of doing same thing.
  • Blog : We thought of a central blog or wiki for documentation purpose. But having a personal blog and sharing your design decisions there will help you in getting started with the practice of putting thoughts on paper.
Personal github repo/personal blog will also ensure that you will have a better record of the things you did in yours college days. But nothing of this is mandatory. We highly encourage this but there is no rule that i will not answer your query if you dont have blog or something. Personal opinions about technologies is welcome. You think tumblr is best blogging platform, use it. You find svn more easy to operate, use svn. One more thing i wants to emphasize is the openness. Please share your ideas. Dont think anyone else will copy it. Implementing ideas are hard especially if it is not yours. But sharing will enable you a medium of getting feedback early. More on this later. let the coding begin.